![]() The Greatest Nation
![]() in all
![]() The World
![]() ISRAEL
![]() --------------------------
![]() The Foundation
![]() The Formation
![]() The Funcation
![]() The Failure
![]() The Foes
![]() The Future
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![]() The Foundation of Israel
How did this little nation, which is the nerve center of the world, geographically, and sits at the very heart of planet earth, get started? It is the religious center of the world, for from that little land came the Book that I have before me tonight, and the man who died on the cross to save the people of the world.
It is also the nerve center of the world prophetically. All the future points to that people, and to that land. All the future points to that points to that people, and to that land. Now , how did it all get started? Let us look at Genesis, chapter twelve:
" Now the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.....
The foundation of Israel begins right here. Here is a lesson in the sovereignty of God, God's authority, God who is self-contained, God who is self-governed, God who is eternal, reached down and chose a man, and from the loins of that man He raised up a nation. I know that there are many Gentiles who resent what the Bible teaches when it says that God called a man by the name of Abram, but God never consulted the Gentiles for a vote of confidence when He made His choice. Our God is a sovereign God, and He is authoritative, and God never made a selection that was wrong. If God could make a choice that was wrong, then He would cease to be God.
The foundation of Israel is right here, and it involves two things: First of all it involves a posterity. God said in verse two here, " I will make of thee a great nation. " Not only this, it involves a possession. He said in verse one, " I want you to go to the land which I will show thee. " And we can never disassociate the people from the land.
They are inseparably linked together.
Let me add that this is an unconditional covenant.
There are two types of covenants in the Bible------conditional covenants and unconditional covenants.
Now, a " covenant " is an agreement made between two or more persons. It involved only One Person. It is an unconditional covenant.
When God called this man Abram, He said, " I will give you a posterity and I will give you a possession. " And this Israel's foundation, right here, in Genesis, chapter twelve.